
We can help you with many White Swiss Shepherd related topics!

Add your WSSD to our studbook

We are actively taking count of all White Swiss Shepherd Dogs in our country. A WSSD owner does not need to have any formal affiliation with this Club to add their dog to our studbook. We gladly accept dogs that are participating in a racial purity program (CPR program), and they will be added as an appendix to the studbook. Dogs that are part of a racial purity program are welcome to participate in WSSCA and Federacion Canofila de Puerto Rico events.

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How to find a reputable breeder

There are many ways to define reputable. For the purposes this article, reputable would mean a breeder that is:

  • ethical with dog management practices as well as upholding agreements/contracts
  • who chooses breed stock carefully,
  • health tests their breed stock,
  • aims to produce progeny of sound mind and body,
  • has good husbandry practices,
  • and is honest and upholds any contractual agreements with clients.

How you do fine such a breeder? It is not as easy as you might think. A breeder may present well on paper, or rather your web browser, but being able to see under the veil of pretty html and photos to determine if that breeder is just as good as they appear will take a bit of work. Going down our list of attributes that define reputable, we first come to ethics. To find out if a breeder is ethical, really it is easiest to find others that have dealt with this breeder already and find out about their experiences. You can do this by asking for references from the breeder directly, or just doing some digging to find owners of that breeder’s stock on social media, and finding families that own a dog from that breeder already. A dog owner will be happy to tell you everything about their dog and their experiences, good and bad. When it comes to ethics, ask things like:

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Owner & Breeder mentoring


Some of the breeders in this club have extensive experience in dog breeding and husbandry practices that is invaluable information for those who are new to the art of breeding and raising puppies. Part of the goal of the White Swiss Shepherd Club of America is to gather enthusiasts together, in a positive coalition for the betterment of the breed. We discourage negativity and unnecessary exclusion of dogs and people, and aim to produce a culture within our organization where people feel free to give and get information to improve their knowledge. The more dogs from the most sources that can be added to our organization, will provide the most choices for mating and producing progeny that maximizes genetic diversity and maintaining/improving the minds and bodies of our dogs.
If you could use help in standing up a breeding program, please contact us. We are here to help and can find an experienced breeder to guide you. email:

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Register with FCI of Puerto Rico

There are several scenarios where you will need to register a dog with the organization Federacion Canofila de Puerto Rico (FCPR). This organization is a full FCI member, and is where breeds that are not yet recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) are registered. It is a legitimate registry and FCPR registrations that include the FCI stamp are accepted worldwide in all other FCI affiliated organizations.

To register your imported White Swiss Shepherd, you will follow the FCPR Foreign Registration process. Fill out the form and send it along with your original 3 generation FCI pedigree to FCPR. FCPR will stamp your original export pedigree and return it to you along with your Federacion Canofila de Puerto Rico registration certificate.

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Registration with other organizations

Even though our breed is not yet recognized with the American Kennel Club, we are recognized with several other organizations where you can participate in events with your White Swiss Shepherd.

United Kennel Club is an all breed dog registry founded in 1898. They offer a large selection of events, such as agility, nose work, rally obedience, lure coursing, weight pull, dock jumping, and of course conformation. The UKC registers White Shepherds, which they consider to be the same breed as the White Swiss Shepherd dog. For registering a WSSD with UKC, you will use the single registration process.

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Find a White Swiss Shepherd

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