About Us
In late 2013, a small group of dog owners organized on behalf of the FCI registered White Swiss Shepherd. The WSSCA began in 2014 as a not-for-profit corporation to act as custodian of the breed in America.

The WSSCA has several objectives
- To preserve and support the White Swiss Shepherd Dog, as a breed distinct and unique breed unto itself, as described by the Fédération Cynologique Internationalé breed standard, number 347.
- Ensure the future health of the breed by maintaining a health database of breed stock and determining applicable health testing to be done by breeders to ensure healthy progeny, and monitoring genetic diversity within the breed.
- Create and support a reliable breed registry of the White Swiss Shepherd.
- Act as a resource of history, husbandry, and breeding information for owners, prospective owners, and breeders of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog by providing educational tools in multiple media outlets for optimal public access.
- Provide venues for those with interest in the White Swiss Shepherd Dog to exchange information.
- Provide a source for finding a mentor, or to become a mentor, for those interested in learning more about owning WSSDs.
- Promote White Swiss Shepherd rescue.
Our Services
We can assist you with just about anything to do with White Swiss Shepherds. Learn all about them, find them, explore their registration options, and gain camaraderie by finding fellow enthusiasts- all right here with us!
Breed Education
History, FCI Breed Standard, breed recognition status, & health stats
Find a WSSD
A list of our breeders and links to contacting them
Enter our Studbook
Enter your Swiss Shepherd into our studbook. It’s Free!.
Registration options
Although we are not an AKC breed, there are alternative options for White Swiss Shepherds in North America
Learn what health tests we recommend and how to go about testing and obtaining certificates for health
Advice in choosing a breeder
Finding a good breeder is not easy! Learn what things to look for in finding a responsible breeder
Code of Ethics
Club ethical standards for husbandry, maintaining breeding programs, and client/public relations
We would love to hear from you!
Our organization encourages all enthusiasts of the White Swiss Shepherd to participate and share stories, brags, and knowledge with one another, for the betterment of our dogs and ourselves. We welcome people of all backgrounds, ranges of canine experience, and from anywhere in the world.
Apply for membership